Tag Archives: yield structure

1791-1812 L.E. Kolesnikov, N.S. Priyatkin, M.V. Arkhipov, I.E. Razumova, D.Yu. Radishevskiy and Yu.R. Kolesnikova
Influence of the structural and functional characteristics of the seeding material on the yield structure elements and resistance to leaf diseases of spring soft wheat
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Influence of the structural and functional characteristics of the seeding material on the yield structure elements and resistance to leaf diseases of spring soft wheat

L.E. Kolesnikov¹*, N.S. Priyatkin², M.V. Arkhipov², I.E. Razumova¹, D.Yu. Radishevskiy¹ and Yu.R. Kolesnikova³

¹Saint–Petersburg State Agrarian University, Faculty of Agrotechnologies, Soil science
and Ecology, Department of Plant Protection and Quarantine, Petersburgskoe Shosse, 2,
RU196601 St-Petersburg - Pushkin, Russia
²Agrophysical Research Institute (ARI), plant biophysics division, Grazhdanskiy ave. 14,
RU195220 St-Petersburg, Russia
³Federal Research Center N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources
(VIR), genetic resource of wheat department, plant introduction department, Bolshaya
Morskaya ul. 42–44, RU190000, St-Petersburg, Russia
*Correspondence: kleon9@yandex.ru


The high-quality grain use when sowing is a necessary condition for obtaining a high yield. Along with the standard tests regulated by the ISTA (International Seed Testing Association), there are promising introscopic techniques for the seed material quality controlling – methods of microfocus radiography and gas discharge visualization (electrophotography). The effect of structural and functional characteristics of the seeding material on the wheat productivity and diseases resistance was studied out on the experimental field of the Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources. Ten accessions of soft wheat with the ‘parametric passport’ (including more than thirty optical parameters, including gas discharge images, morpho- and densitometric analysis of X-ray patterns) were used as an experimental seeding material. Unviable wheat seeds, in comparison with healthy ones, were characterized mainly by a smaller area, form coefficient, standard deviation of three-dimensional fractality by isoline, entropy by isoline, higher brightness and standard deviation of the isoline radius of the gas discharge images. Morpho- and densitometric indices of unviable seeds differed in reduced values of the circle factor, roundness, minimum and maximum average brightness, but in greater elongation and optical density of the X-ray patterns projection. The intensity of wheat affection by diseases has varied depending on the structural and functional characteristics of seeds. It was noted, that the brown rust development decreased with an increase in the entropy by isoline, the contour irregularity and the average radius of the isoline.

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1530-1544 L.E. Kolesnikov, A.A. Belimov, E.Y. Kudryavtseva, B.A. Hassan and Yu.R. Kolesnikova
Identification of the effectiveness of associative rhizobacteria in spring wheat cultivation
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Identification of the effectiveness of associative rhizobacteria in spring wheat cultivation

L.E. Kolesnikov¹, A.A. Belimov², E.Y. Kudryavtseva³, B.A. Hassan⁴ and Yu.R. Kolesnikova³

¹Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University, Faculty of Agrotechnologies, Soil science and Ecology, Department of Plant Protection and Quarantine, Petersburgskoe Shosse, 2, RU196601, St. Petersburg - Pushkin, Russia
²Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology”, Laboratory of rhizosphere microflora, sh. Podbelskogo, 3, RU196608, St. Petersburg, Pushkin-8, Russia
³Federal Research Center N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR), genetic resources of wheat department, plant introduction department, Bolshaya Morskaya Str. 42–44, RU190000, St. Petersburg, Russia
⁴Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Office, Abo-Ghraib, St. Al-Zaytun, H.
IQ10081, Baghdad, Iraq
*Correspondence: kleon9@yandex.ru


The maximum increase in wheat yield (by 67% to the control), associated with a decrease in the root rot development by 19%, an increase in the productive bushiness by 18%, the spike weight by 26%, in the grains number per spike by 8% was noted when using the Bacillus subtilis strain 124-11; the strain effect on leaf diseases was insignificant (2–5%). The plants differed in the maximum changes (to control) in the total bushiness by 59%, the plants vegetative part weight by 27%, the flag leaf area by 21%, the pre-flag leaf area by 28%, the roots numbers and weight by 20% and 62%. After plants treatments with the Pseudomonas fluorescens strain SPB2137, the wheat maturation period was reduced by 9% (to the control), wheat yield increased by 58% due to a decrease in the development of root rot and septoria by 18%, the yellow rust pustules area by 44%; the productive bushiness and plant height increased by 25% and 19%, the plant vegetative weight by 21%, the spike length by 4%. The most expressed protective and growth-stimulating effect was shown by the Sphingomonas sp. K1B, which caused a maximum decrease (to the control) in the root rot and yellow rust development by 22% and 7%, the strips length by 22%, the pustules number in the strip by 29%, brown rust by 10%, septoria by 11%. Wheat plants were characterized by a large number and length of roots by 17% and 13%, root weight by 49%, a maximum increase in the nodal roots number and length by 15% and 17%; total bushiness by 34.5%; a maximum increase in plant vegetative weight by 37%; the spike length by 3%.

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2436–2448 L.E. Kolesnikov, I.I. Novikova, E.V. Popova, N.S. Priyatkin, E.V. Zuev, Yu.R. Kolesnikova and M.D. Solodyannikov
The effectiveness of biopreparations in soft wheat cultivation and the quality assessment of the grain by the digital x-ray imaging
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The effectiveness of biopreparations in soft wheat cultivation and the quality assessment of the grain by the digital x-ray imaging

L.E. Kolesnikov¹*, I.I. Novikova², E.V. Popova², N.S. Priyatkin³, E.V. Zuev⁴, Yu.R. Kolesnikova⁴ and M.D. Solodyannikov¹

¹Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University, Faculty of Agrotechnologies, Soil science and Ecology, Department of Plant Protection and Quarantine, Petersburgskoe Shosse (highway), 2, RU196601 St-Petersburg – Pushkin, Russia
²All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection (VIZR), Laboratory of microbiological plant protection, shosse Podbel’skogo highway, 3, RU196608 Saint Petersburg-Pushkin, Russia
³Agrophysical Research Institute (ARI), plant biophysics division, Grazhdanskiy ave. 14, RU195220 St-Petersburg, Russia
⁴Federal Research Center N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR), genetic resource of wheat department, plant introduction department, Bolshaya Morskaya street, 42–44, RU190000 St–Petersburg, Russia
*Correspondence: kleon9@yandex.ru


The main trend of modern crop production is the expansion of the use of plant protection solutions and technologies, that ensure not only effective management of the number of populations of harmful organisms, but also the production of environmentally safe agricultural products with minimal anthropogenic impact on agro-ecosystems. One of our priorities is to develop new environmentally sound polyfunctional biopreparations, that combine useful properties of microbial strains such as phytopathogen antagonists and chitosan compositions that increase disease resistance. The introscopic analysis of the seed material quality realized with the non–destructive express techniques application was used for evaluation the effectiveness of the compositions’ complex influence on plants. The research studies the effectiveness of the influence of Bacillus subtilis strains and chitosan compositions, including their combined effect, on soft wheat productivity and its damage by disease agents. Data on the quality assessment of the grain using microfocus x-ray radiography and gas-discharge visualization (electrophotography) are also provided. The complex of more than 20 structural elements of wheat productivity was analysed during the research. Assessment of the plant damage intensity according to the standard criterion – the disease development, and additional phytopathological indicators was carried out. The evaluation of the grains’ introscopic characteristics was carried out by the microfocus x-ray radiography techniques combined with the digital x-ray image analysis. It is shown that the biopreparation complexes, containing B. subtilis strains and Chitosan, have a combined biological activity manifested in the optimization of wheat plants’ physiological state, increasing productivity, diseases resistance.

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