Tag Archives: Azobacterin and Kaliplant

412-418 N. Mikhailouskaya and I. Bogdevitch
Effect of biofertilizers on yield and quality of long-fibred flax and cereal grains
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Effect of biofertilizers on yield and quality of long-fibred flax and cereal grains

N. Mikhailouskaya and I. Bogdevitch

Research Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Kazintsa 62, 220108 Minsk, Belarus;e-mail:brissa5@mail.belpak.by, bionf@yandex.ru


Application of biofertilizers provides the implementation of biological mechanisms of plant nutrition, growth promotion and protection. These are arguments for the use of biofertilizers as elements for nutrient management in organic agriculture, along with low cost and environmental safety. Azobacterin and Kaliplant were developed in Belarus. Natural N2-fixing bacteria are acting agents of Azobacterin. Kaliplant contains a natural strain of K-mobilizing bacteria. Both strains possess P-solubilization activity. The effects of biofertilizers on crop yield and quality were studied in field experiments on Luvisol soils. The contribution of biofertilizers for the crop yield increment varied in range from 8–30%. Azobacterin applications were most effective for barley and long-fibred flax. Kaliplant inoculations were mostly profitable for winter rye and winter triticale. Biofertilizers positively influenced crop production quality. Reliable increase of protein content and the improvement of amino acid composition in cereal grains were observed.

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