Tag Archives: Brassica napus – morpholinium derivative – 17-DMC

207–215 L. Miliuviene, L. Novickiene, V. Gaveliene, I. Brazauskiene and L. Pakalniškyte
Possibilities to use growth regulators in winter oilseed rape growing technology
1. The effect of retardant analogues on oilseed rape growth

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Possibilities to use growth regulators in winter oilseed rape growing technology
1. The effect of retardant analogues on oilseed rape growth

L. Miliuviene¹, L. Novickiene¹, V. Gaveliene¹, I. Brazauskiene² and L. Pakalniškyte¹

¹Institute of Botany, Žaliuju ežeru 49, Lithuania; e-mail: leonida@botanika.lt
²Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, Dotnuva - Akademia, Lithuania


The effect of growth regulators – derivatives of the diethylamine chloride 3-DEC and morpholinium chloride 17-DMC – on the growth and productivity of the winter oilseed rape ‘Kasimir F1’ was studied.
3-DEC and 17-DMC have been found to exert positive effect on the growth and development of the oilseed rape ‘Kasimir F1’ in autumn: it induced the growth of root collum, accumulation of monosaccharides in its tissues, leaf and root system formation, enhanced the endurance of this culture to wintering. Under the effect of these compounds applied in spring, stem growth was retarded and stem diameter as well as stem primary cortex ring and stele width increased, resulting in enhanced endurance to lodging. Thus, the compounds 3-DEC and 17-DMC, by modifying oilseed rape growth in autumn and influencing oilseed rape growth in spring, influenced the development of productivity elements. The extra seed yield under the effect of 3-DEC (250 g ha-1) and 17-DMC (500 g ha-1) in autumn was 350 and 455 kg ha-1, and in spring 496 and 406 kg ha-1, the control yield being 2,300 kg ha-1.

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