Tag Archives: greenhouse automation

955-966 V. Osadcuks, A. Pecka, A. Lojans and A. Kakitis
Experimental research of proximity sensors for application in mobile robotics in greenhouse environment
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Experimental research of proximity sensors for application in mobile robotics in greenhouse environment

V. Osadcuks*, A. Pecka, A. Lojans and A. Kakitis

Faculty of Engineering, Latvia Universty of Agriulture, ⁵ J.Cakstes blvd., LV-³00¹ Jelgava, Latvia; *Correspondence: vtl@tvnet.lv


Mobile robots for greenhouse automation are not yet used commercially, but scientific research are being performed in various aspects of using robots in greenhouses. For now, plant examination for diseases and insects, spraying and watering tasks are mostly considered. In all cases, a robot should be able to orient itself globally in the environment and locally relative to the working objects e.g. plants, obstacles and other robots if a multi robot system is assumed. In greenhouses, proximity sensors are used for simple object detection and distance measurement with both metallic and non-metallic materials as well as plants. Consequently, capacitive, ultrasound and optical type sensors can be used. It is known that they are affected by varying temperature, humidity and moisture conditions. In this research, we have used a specialized microclimate chamber to perform experiments in a modeled greenhouse environment with controlled temperature, relative humidity. The controlled environmental parameters were combined to represent real world greenhouse conditions. Three types of materials were used for detection (WxHxD): ¹ mm steel plate ²⁵⁵ x ³⁸0 mm, ¹ mm ABS ²⁴⁵ x ³³0 mm plastic plate, and ¹¹⁸ x ¹⁸0 x ⁶0 mm plastic container with water. The environment and the type of the detectable object were used as independent variables. The examined parameters, i.e. the dependent variables of the digital type sensors, were the maximum and minimum detection limits and hysteresis. A statistical analysis was performed to find the factors which may affect the reliability of proximity sensors measurements in greenhouse environment.

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