Tag Archives: humification

827-841 O.V. Sviridova, N.I. Vorobyov, E.E. Andronov, O.N. Kurchak, E.P. Chizhevskaya, Ya.V. Pukhalskiy, V.N. Pishchik, S.I. Loskutov and V. Yu. Sitnov
Optimum ratio of complex biological product and fertilize (NPK) and the contribution of fungi and bacteria to the general decomposition and mulching of coniferous wood waste
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Optimum ratio of complex biological product and fertilize (NPK) and the contribution of fungi and bacteria to the general decomposition and mulching of coniferous wood waste

O.V. Sviridova¹, N.I. Vorobyov¹, E.E. Andronov¹, O.N. Kurchak¹, E.P. Chizhevskaya¹, Ya.V. Pukhalskiy¹, V.N. Pishchik¹², S.I. Loskutov³* and V. Yu. Sitnov³

¹All-Russian Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology, Podbelsky chausse 3,
RU196608 St. Petersburg, Pushkin 8, Russia
²Agrophysical Research Institute, Grazhdanskiy ave., 14, RU195220 St. Petersburg, Russia
³All-Russian Research Institute for Food Additives - Branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS, 55 Liteiny prospect, RU191014 St. Petersburg, Russia
*Corresponding author: Loskutov Svyatoslav spbsl21@gmail.com


The use of a complex biological product (CBP) based on native microbiological consortiums of coniferous forest litter accelerated the composting process of coniferous wood waste. The contribution of micromycetes and bacteria to the activation of coniferous wood waste composting processes using the different fertilizers rates was studied. A fractal analysis has confirmed the formation of a micromycetes-bacterial system in the treatment with optimal rates of NPK and CBP. In this case the better decomposition of wood waste was observed. It was noted that micromycetes of the genus Penicillium dominated in the composts obtained with CBP addition. This compost was not phytotoxic. Thus, for coniferous sawdust decomposition and its further humification, it is necessary to use both micromycetes and bacteria. The use of organic material resulting from wood waste decomposition with CBP and optimal rates of NPK is an effective way to increase the content of organic substances in soils and their potential fertility.

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