Tag Archives: IQRF technology

410-415 V. Hartová and J. Hart
Improvement of monitoring of cattle in outdoor enclosure using IQRF technology
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Improvement of monitoring of cattle in outdoor enclosure using IQRF technology

V. Hartová¹* and J. Hart²

¹Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Vehicles and Ground Transport, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 00 Prague, Czech Republic
²Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Department of Technological Equipment of Buildings, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 00 Prague, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: nverca@seznam.cz


Monitoring of cattle in the outdoor enclosure is a very important issue. Currently, the increasingly stealing cows and other cattle from the pasture. For businesses that manage it, this is a very lossy business. For thieves, the electric fences, which are currently the most widespread, are easily surmountly. And the owner does not have a chance early on to learn the fact theft of cattle. For this reason, a system for monitoring cattle on outdoor enclosure using IQRF (intelligent local network topology) technology has been developed. We have been dealing with this issue for a long time and the biggest problem was the monitoring of only the inner part of the enclosure. Previously, there was an overlap of monitoring in the area beyond grazing. This problem has been solved by using a shielded base for mounting IQRF receivers.

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