Tag Archives: mechanical power

1486-1492 A. Smejtkova and P. Vaculik
Comparison of power consumption of a two-roll mill and a disc mill
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Comparison of power consumption of a two-roll mill and a disc mill

A. Smejtkova* and P. Vaculik

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Technological Equipment of Buildings, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 21 Prague 6 – Suchdol, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: smejtkova@tf.czu.cz


Grinding or milling is often used process, for example in the production of feed, grinding of malt in beer production, grinding of cereals on flour, etc. In order to optimize the energy intensity of the whole production process, it is necessary to know the energy consumption of individual processes. The grinding of malt influences the mashing process, the drawing-off and the boiling yield. Correct grain grinding makes the endosperm available for enzyme and physicochemical reactions during wort production. Husks affect the drawing-off process. Two-, four- or six-roll mills, in some cases a hammer mill or disc mill, are most commonly used for grinding of malt. Power consumption was monitored when light, Munich, caramel and coloring malt were grinding. A two-roll mill and a disc mill with engine speeds of 1,500 rpm and 2,800 rpm were used for grinding. The gap between the mill rollers and the mill disks was set to 0.4 mm. The fineness of the grinding was evaluated for all types of malt on all used equipment. The energy intensity of the grinding was correlated on 1.0 kg of malt and then compared.

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