Tag Archives: numbe r of tubers

697-704 V. Rosenberg, A. Tsahkna, K. Kotkas, T. Tähtjärv, M. Särekanno and K.Liiv
Somaclonal variation in potato meristem culture and possibility to use this phenomenon in seed potato production and breeding
Abstract |

Somaclonal variation in potato meristem culture and possibility to use this phenomenon in seed potato production and breeding

V. Rosenberg¹, A. Tsahkna², K. Kotkas¹, T. Tähtjärv², M. Särekanno¹ and K.Liiv¹

¹Department of Plant Biotechnology EVIKA, Estonian Research Institute ofAgriculture, Estonia; e-mail: v.rosenberg@evika.org
²Jõgeva Plant Breeding Institute, Estonia; e-mail: Aide.Tsahkna@jpbi.ee


Regenerated plantlets obtained through virus-eradication procedure were preserved as meristem clones in vitro. The progeny of each meristem was the basis for meristem clone. We studied somaclonal variation of meristem clones of the new potato variety Reet created at the Jõgeva Plant Breeding Institute (PBI). The aim was to investigate the effect of thermotherapy on variability of potato meristem clones. The results showed that meristem clones differed in yield, number and weight of tubers and late blight resistance. The research provided new information about the effect of thermotherapy. For the first time we detected deviation from true-to-type in morphological characteristics of meristem clones.

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