Tag Archives: perennial weeds

277-282 S. Jasinskaite, V. Pilipavicius and P. Lazauskas
Perennial weed control by two layer ploughing
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Perennial weed control by two layer ploughing

S. Jasinskaite, V. Pilipavicius* and P. Lazauskas

Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Studentu g.11, LT-53361 Akademija - Kaunas r.,Lithuania; e-mail: sonata.jasinskaite@lzuu.lt, *vytautas.pilipavicius@lzuu.lt,petras.lazauskas@lzuu.lt,
*Corresponding author


Experiments on methods of perennial weed control were carried out at the Kazliškiai organic farm of Lithuanian University of Agriculture in the period 2002-2003. The aim of the work was to investigate the influence of conventional ‘cultural’ cylindrical and two-layer plough technologies on perennial weed control in organic agriculture. The advantage of two-layer ploughing in decreasing perennial weed density and biomass in spring wheat and buckwheat crop was established. Elytrigia repens, Cirsium arvense, Tussilago farfara and Plantago major density and biomass had a tendency to decrease in different years of the trial.

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197-201 D. Jodaugienė, R. Pupalienė, M. Urbonienė, V. Pranckietis and I. Pranckietienė
The impact of different types of organic mulches on weed emergence
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The impact of different types of organic mulches on weed emergence

D. Jodaugienė, R. Pupalienė, M. Urbonienė, V. Pranckietis and I. Pranckietienė

Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Studentų 11, Akademija, Kauno rajonas 53076,Lithuania; e-mail: Darija.Jodaugiene@lzuu.lt


A two – factor experiment was carried out in the Experiment Station of Lithuanian University of Agriculture in 2004 – 2005. Different organic mulches, chopped wheat straw, peat, wood chips, grass and wood chips, and wood chips which had been stored for 8 years (only in 2005) were overspead by a layer of 5 cm and 10 cm thickness. The influence of different organic mulches on weed emergence was evaluated. All organic mulches reduced weed germination. The positive effect of mulches was particularly obvious in the period of intensive germination of weeds. Straw, peat and wood chips had the strongest influence on the decrease of weed germination, however, it is important to make sure that mulches are not infected with weed seeds. Mulch of chopped grass is quick to decompose, therefore, repeated mulching is required to protect the crop from weeds. Key wods: organic mulches, weed emergence, annual weeds, perennial weeds

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