Tag Archives: profit

1700–1707 M. Mimra and M. Kavka
Risk analysis regarding a minimum annual utilization of combine harvesters in agricultural companies
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Risk analysis regarding a minimum annual utilization of combine harvesters in agricultural companies

M. Mimra* and M. Kavka

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Machinery Utilisation, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 21 Prague 6–Suchdol, Czech Republic *Correspondence: mimra@tf.czu.cz


This article presents the results of entrepreneurial risk analysis concerning a minimum annual utilization of harvesters in a company providing agricultural services where a group of combine harvesters is used. Furthermore, this article presents the following analysed key operating parameters with the greatest influence on reaching the minimum annual utilization and performance: the changing market price of mechanized work, the volatile purchase price of the machines, average maintenance costs).
Partial profit which an enterprise can reach through operating combine harvesters is directly affected by the level of their annual utilization. Not reaching the minimum annual utilization of combine harvesters would create losses that could result in termination of business activity in the specific field or even insolvency of the company. It is therefore necessary to monitor the key factors which influence the minimum annual usage and in case of negative developments to take timely corrective actions.

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75–83 T. Lille, K. Karp and R. Värnik
Profitability of different technologies of strawberry cultivation
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Profitability of different technologies of strawberry cultivation

T. Lille¹, K. Karp¹ and R. Värnik²

¹Institute of Horticulture, Estonian Agricultural University, Kreutzwaldi 64, 51014 Tartu, Estonia; e-mail: tiilille@eau.ee; kkarp@eau.ee
²Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Estonian Agricultural University, Kreutzwaldi 64, 51014 Tartu, Estonia; e-mail: vrando@eau.ee


The experiments with strawberries were carried out in 1999–2001. There were two cultivation types in the experiment: plastic mulch and straw mulch with burning after harvesting. The present research investigated the influence of mulches and cultivars on strawberry yield and profit. Straw mulch suits for ‘Jonsok’ and ‘Bounty’ because it increases yields. In places, where late-spring frost damages are usual, the growing of early cultivars with straw mulch would be practical. Plastic mulch suits better for cultivars susceptible to grey mould (‘Senga Sengana’). It is useful to grow different cultivars because their  yields are different according to years. The yield of the plant depends on the cultivar and on the cultivation technology. In year 2000 ‘Jonsok’ grown with straw was more productive and profitable than other cultivars. In 2001 ‘Senga Sengana’ grown with straw was the most productive and more profitable than ‘Jonsok’ and ‘Bounty’. The burning of leaves flights pests and weeds and farmers can save on chemicals. Using straw mulch is more perspective for getting higher yields and profit.

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