Tag Archives: public procurement

647-653 A.-K. Løes and B. Nölting
Organic school meal systems – towards a more sustainable nutrition
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Organic school meal systems – towards a more sustainable nutrition

A.-K. Løes¹ and B. Nölting²

¹Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Gunnars veg 6, N-6630 Tingvoll, Norway;e-mail: anne-kristin.loes@bioforsk.no, www.ipopy.coreportal.org
²Berlin Institute of Technology, Hardenbergstr. 36A, 10623 Berlin, Germany;e-mail: noelting@ztg.tu-berlin.de


Nutritional and health problems related to life style alarm European governments. The interest in school meals as a lever for change is increasing because young people reside longer in public institutions and their often unsatisfactory eating patterns might be counterbalanced by healthy school food. Organic food contributes to sustainable nutrition, and hence is an interesting starting point for healthier menus and food education. The research project ‘innovative Public Organic food Procurement for Youth’ (iPOPY) studies efficient ways to implement organic food in public serving outlets for young people. The project has four explorative work packages studying policies, supply chains and certification, the young consumers’ perception and learning about sustainability and organic food, and health effects of organic menus in Denmark, Finland, Italy, and Norway. Finland and Italy serve a warm school meal daily for all pupils, whereas Denmark and Norway rely on packed lunch from home. Italy and Denmark have ambitious goals for organic food in schools, whereas Finland and Norway have not (yet). Political decisions are required, but not enough, to ensure well functioning organic school meal systems.

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