Tag Archives: seed quality

2613-2626 N. Telekalo and M. Melnyk
Agroecological substantiation of Medicago sativa cultivation technology
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Agroecological substantiation of Medicago sativa cultivation technology

N. Telekalo* and M. Melnyk

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry, Soniachna street 3, UA21008 Vinnytsia, Ukraine
*Correspondence: nataliiatelekalo@gmail.com


Medicago sativa is one of the most productive legumes, which provides high protein production. Application of the biostimulant and microfertilizers is quite relevant and effective. Theoretically substantiates and presents ways to solve the scientific problem of formation of Medicago sativa productivity and the impact on them of seed treatment and foliar nutrition, taking into account the conditions of the Forest-Steppe right bank of Ukraine. The research was conducted in the research field of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University in the village of Agronomichne, Vinnytsia district during 2016–2018. Sinyukha variety was sown (2010). There has been established that the use of pre-sowing treatment of seeds and crops of Medicago sativa with biostimulant and microfertilizer improves the conditions of growth and development of the crop and increases individual productivity. On the researches it is established that fodder productivity of Medicago sativa sowing is provided by application of biostimulators of growth and microfertilizers on crops, genetic potential the culture realized as much as possible on the 2nd year of cultivation. The effect of growth stimulants on Medicago sativa productivity was defined and the optimal combination of macro- and microelements in modern complex fertilizers was determined, which contributes to the maximum possible yield of Medicago sativa green mass. New technological regulations for the use of bioorganic preparations and components in the technological scheme of Medicago sativa cultivation have been developed. It was found that on average for three years of vegetation of Medicago sativa sown on gray forest soils in the Forest-Steppe Right Bank, the highest yield of seeds and green mass provides the option of treatment with biostimulator Saprogum® and microfertilizer Wuxal®. Creating optimal conditions for mineral nutrition for Medicago sativa plants through the use of bacterial fertilizers and foliar nutrition contributed not only to the formation of high grain yields, but also significantly improved biochemical parameters and, consequently, increased crude protein content in grain, which is important for solving the problem of vegetable protein and balancing the diets of farm animals. The research results are aimed at solving current problems of technological renewal and development of agro-industrial complex on the basis of development of bioorganic models of varietal technology of Medicago sativa cultivation with orientation at the level of adequate arable productivity and climate fertility.

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