Resistance of red clover to diseases and pests under different growing conditions
¹Vezaiciai Branch, Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, Gargzdu 29, VezaiciaiLT-96216 Klaipeda distict, Lithuania; e-mail:
²Botanical Garden of Klaipeda University, Kretingos 92, LT-92327 Klaipeda, Lithuania;e-mail:
Experiments were carried out in the Vėžaičiai Branch of the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture (West Lithuania region) in 1998−1999 and 2005. The aim of this research was to estimate the incidence of diseases and pests of red clover in soils with different agrochemical characteristics. The soil acidity varied from 3.9-6.7, available P2O5 from 47–317, available K2Ofrom 100–360 mg kg-1, amount of humus from 1.71–2.36%. Ecological conditions of soils contained differing amounts of lime, mineral and organic fertilizers.Common leaf spot (agent Pseudopeziza trifolii (Biv.-Bern:Fr.) Fuskel) had a 1.3−1.7greater incidence on the red clover growing in the soil with pHKCl 3.9−4.9 in comparison withthose grown in the soil with pHKCl 5.7−6.7, and with intensively damaged red clover whichgrew in soils with fewer nutrients. Increasing the quantity of nutritious materials increased the incidence of powdery mildew (agent Erysiphe polygoni DC.) in 1999 and 2005 but reduced the incidence of clover seed weevil in soils with pHKCl 5.7−6.7 in those years.
Key words:
amount of nutrients, disease, incidence, pest, red clover, soil acidity