Tag Archives: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

xxx E.B. Andrade, F.A. Teixeira, D.D. Fries, N.T. Cruz, R.R. Jardim, H.S. da Silva, B.E.F. dos Santos, T.M. Vieira, A.A. Seixas and J.P. dos Santos
Exogenous phytohormones and growth-promoting microorganisms in Basilisk grass cultivation
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Exogenous phytohormones and growth-promoting microorganisms in Basilisk grass cultivation

E.B. Andrade¹*, F.A. Teixeira², D.D. Fries³, N.T. Cruz⁴, R.R. Jardim¹, H.S. da Silva¹, B.E.F. dos Santos¹, T.M. Vieira¹, A.A. Seixas¹ and J.P. dos Santos¹

¹State University of Southwest Bahia, Postgraduate Program in Animal Science,
BA 415 Highway, 45700-000, Itapetinga, Bahia, Brazil
²State University of Southwest Bahia, Department of Rural and Animal Technology,
BA 415 Highway, 45700-000, Itapetinga, Bahia, Brazil
³State University of Southwest Bahia Department of Exact and Natural Sciences,
BA 415 Highway, 45700-000, Itapetinga, Bahia, Brazil
⁴Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia, Center for Agrarian, Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rui Barbosa Str., 170, 44380-000 Cruz das Almas, Bahia, Brazil
*Correspondence: elienezoo@gmail.com


The use of plant growth-promoting bio-inputs has been widely disseminated as a means to optimise pasture production processes. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of applying exogenous phytohormones along with different microorganisms on the productive characteristics of Basilisk grass (Urochloa decumbens). The experiment was conducted in a 4×2 factorial design, in a completely randomised layout, evaluating four microorganism inoculations (no inoculation; Azospirillum brasilense + Pseudomonas fluorescens; Rhizophagus intraradices; A. brasilense + P. fluorescens + R. intraradices), combined or not with an exogenous phytohormone based on cytokinin, gibberellin and auxin. The results showed that inoculation with plant growth-promoting microorganisms stimulated an increase in root volume. In addition, the presence of the microorganisms increased the concentration of chlorophyll pigments, resulting in a 14% increase in the crude protein content of Basilisk grass compared with the control. The use of exogenous phytohormones also resulted in higher concentrations of total chlorophyll pigments and crude protein content, with increase in 25% and 9.7% respectively. The combined use of bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi, along with exogenous phytohormones, increased the accumulation of forage mass and leaf biomass. The combination enhanced carbohydrate accumulation in the leaves of Basilisk grass, thereby improving its nutritional quality. Therefore, considering the evidence found in this research, it becomes evident that the application of exogenous phytohormones, when combined with the inoculation of A. brasilense, P. fluorescens, and R. intraradices, represents a strategy to enhance the productivity of Basilisk grass.

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16-32 Z.A. Abdel-Salam, M.A. Abouzeid, M.M. El-Shazly and D.A.M. Abdou
Water deficit stress alleviation by bio-formulated native mycorrhizal species for wheat grown in a saline calcareous soil
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Water deficit stress alleviation by bio-formulated native mycorrhizal species for wheat grown in a saline calcareous soil

Z.A. Abdel-Salam¹*, M.A. Abouzeid², M.M. El-Shazly¹ and D.A.M. Abdou²

¹Department of Soil Fertility and Microbiology, Desert Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
²Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
*Correspondence: zenabahmed5@gmail.com


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are a genus of obligatory root biotrophs that can develop mutualistic symbioses with most terrestrial plants. This study aimed to investigate the impact of three different isolates of AMF (Acaulospora spinosa [M1], Glomus ambisporum [M2], and Scutellospora heterogama [M3]) isolated from native environments and three carriers (biochar, alginate, and polyacrylate) on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in a saline calcareous soil in conditions of water deficit. In a pot experiment, reduced amounts of water were applied at intervals of 4, 8, and 12 days, while in a field experiment, the intervals were 1, 2, and 3 weeks (W1, W2, and W3). By analyzing the chlorophyll index and dry weight data from the pot experiment, it was revealed that two AMF isolates (M1 and M2), along with two carriers (biochar and alginate), showed promising results in stimulating wheat growth. Based on these findings, a field validation experiment was conducted to further evaluate the effects of these isolates and carriers. The wheat plants subjected to water deficit stress exhibited improved vegetation characteristics, grain yield, nutrient uptake, and colonization percentage when treated with the AMF isolate M2 formulated on biochar. For instance, under W2 conditions without any mycorrhiza or carrier, the grain yield was recorded at 6,600 kg ha-1. However, with the inoculation of M2-biochar at the same W2 level, the yield significantly increased to 9110 kg ha‑1. The study concluded that AMF formulated on biochar outperformed other carriers, leading to enhanced wheat growth under water stress conditions.

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