Tag Archives: leaf area estimation

2217-2244 Y. Tsytsiura
Formation and determination of the individual area of oilseed radish leaves in agrophytocenosises of different technological construction
Abstract |

Formation and determination of the individual area of oilseed radish leaves in agrophytocenosises of different technological construction

Y. Tsytsiura

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry, Sonyachna street 3, UA21008 Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Correspondence: yaroslavtsytsyura@ukr.net


For the successful control of the production process, determining the leaf area is a basic requirement. In this context, it is important to determine the regularities of leaf formation within the plant, considering technological parameters of agrophytocenosis construction. These are the important issues covered in this paper based on the years of research conducted between 2013 and 2018 on three cultivars of oilseed radish: one of the poorly explored members of the cruciferous family of multipurpose use. The conducted researches allowed to distinguish features of longline leaf formation of oilseed radish cultivars and mathematically describe features of formation of their area, length and width at the early flowering phase according to the Richards growth curve. The peculiarities of formation of individual leaf area depending on the combination of the variations of the stand density and fertilization in the context of the recommended process regulation of oilseed radish cultivation are also determined. It has been proved possible to use a non–destructive method of determining the individual leaf area of oilseed radish, basing on the evaluation of 29 models, using the following formula S = 7.9316–2.3613L + 0.6897 (LW)+0.0458L2–0.0005 (LW)2 (under the following test parameters of the model: R2 0.9106; RMSE 9.75; d 0.956; BIAS –0.1523).

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