Tag Archives: mulch

xxx R.P. Ria, K. Kartika, B. Lakitan, F. Sulaiman and M. Meihana
The impact of straw application on growth dynamics and proline accumulation in drought-stressed rice
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The impact of straw application on growth dynamics and proline accumulation in drought-stressed rice

R.P. Ria¹, K. Kartika²*, B. Lakitan¹³, F. Sulaiman¹ and M. Meihana⁴

¹University of Sriwijaya, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy,
Jl. Raya Palembang-Prabumulih Km 32 Indralaya, Ogan Ilir 30662, Indonesia
²Research Center for Horticulture, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong 19611, Indonesia
³Research Centre for Sub-optimal Lands, Universitas Sriwijaya. Jl. Padang Selasa No. 524, Bukit Besar, Palembang 30139, South Sumatra, Indonesia
⁴STIPER Sriwigama, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, Palembang 30137, South Sumatra, Indonesia
*Correspondence: kart011@brin.go.id


The frequent occurrence of unpredictable extreme droughts necessitates investigating measures to mitigate their impacts, as drought may occur at any growth phase of rice. This study evaluated the efficiency of straw applications to conserve soil moisture and mitigate the negative effect of drought stress on rice in tropical riparian wetlands. Rice straw was applied as organic matter (S1) and as mulch (S2) and then subjected to drought stress during early vegetative (D1), late vegetative (D2), and generative (D3) phases. The result of this study showed that the utilization of straw slowed down the water loss through evaporation as indicated by soil moisture. However, both rice straw applications, organic matter and mulch, were inefficient in maintaining the optimum plant growth when the soil moisture declined to < 10%. Drought stress at the early vegetative phase reduced the number of leaves by 63.68%, the number of tillers by 50.58%, and the total leaf area by 72.36%. Drought stress at the early vegetative phase also delayed flowering time for 11 days. Meanwhile, drought stress during the generative phase reduced the number of filled spikelets by 45.18% and increased sterile spikelets to 247.05%, which significantly reduced the yield. Plants that experienced drought stress during the vegetative and generative phases eventually increased the proline content by about 10 times (18.47 mmol g-1) compared to unstressed plants (1.62 mmol g-1). Straw mulching is recommended for mild to moderate droughts, but additional methods are needed to maintain soil moisture below 10%.

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143-148 A. Adamavičienė, K. Romaneckas, E. Šarauskis and V. Pilipavičius
Non-chemical weed control in sugar beet crop under an intensive and conservation soil tillage pattern: II. Crop productivity
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Non-chemical weed control in sugar beet crop under an intensive and conservation soil tillage pattern: II. Crop productivity

A. Adamavičienė¹, K. Romaneckas¹, E. Šarauskis² and V. Pilipavičius¹

¹Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Dept. of Soil Management, Studentu 11, LT-53067Akademija, Kaunas r., Lithuania; Tel.: +370 37 75 22 33, Fax: +370 37 75 22 93;e-mail: kestas.romaneckas@lzuu.lt, romanr@one.lt, vytautas.pilipavicius@lzuu.lt
²Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Dept. of Agricultural Machinery, Studentu 11, LT-53067Akademija, Kaunas r., Lithuania; Tel.: +370 37 75 23 57; e-mail: egidijus.sarauskis@lzuu.lt


The experiment was conducted with a silty loam (Hipogleyic Luvisol (Calcaric)) at the Experimental Station of the Lithuanian University of Agriculture during 2004-2005. The soil was of neutral pH, medium rich in humus, phosphorus and with a low content of potassium. The aim of the experiment was to establish the influence of soil tillage intensity, living and straw mulch on sugar beet yield and quality: root ramification, sucrose, sodium, potassium and alpha amino nitrogen contents. The soil of the trial was tilled (factor A) intensively (loosening, ploughing) (IT) and minimally (conservation tillage – loosening) (CT). Non-chemical weed control (factor B) was applied: hand weeding, twice (control variant) (HW); spring barley (SBM), annual ryegrass (ARM), white mustard (WMM), spring oilseed rape (SRM) living mulches and winter wheat straw mulch (WSM).According to the results of the experiment, at lower temperature and average precipitationvegetation conditions (2004), a significantly higher yield of sugar beet roots was found in intensively tilled soils. In conditions of higher temperatures and uneven rainfall distribution (2005) we observed converse results. Different soil tillage had no significant influence on the quality of the roots; however, sugar beet roots were more ramified in the intensively tilled soil. The allopathic and choking properties of annual ryegrass decreased sugar beet crop yield, sucrose content and increased the amount of sodium in the roots. The highest sugar beet crop productivity was observed in the following conditions: hand weeded, covered by straw or in the plots with oil seed rape living mulch.

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457-464 K. Romaneckas, R. Romaneckienė and V. Pilipavičius
Non-chemical weed control in sugar beet crop under intensive and conservation soil tillage: I. Crop weediness
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Non-chemical weed control in sugar beet crop under intensive and conservation soil tillage: I. Crop weediness

K. Romaneckas, R. Romaneckienė and V. Pilipavičius

Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Dept. of Soil Management, Studentu 11, LT-53067Akademija, Kaunas r., Lithuania; tel.: +370 37 75 22 33, fax: +370 37 75 22 93;e-mail: kestas.romaneckas@lzuu.lt, romanr@one.lt, vytautas.pilipavicius@lzuu.lt


The effect of non-chemical weed control under different soil tillage on sugar beet crop weediness was investigated at the Experimental Station of the Lithuanian University of Agriculture in a silty loam Luvisol during the period of 2004–2005. The aim of the experiment was to establish the influence of soil tillage intensity, living and straw mulch on the number and dry mass of weeds in the sugar beet crop. Treatments of the trial were the following: I. Soil tillage (factor A): 1. intensive (straw loosening, moldboard ploughing; control variant) (IT); 2. conservation (straw loosening) (CT); II. Non-chemical weed control (factor B): 1. hand weeding, twice (control variant) (HW); 2. spring barley living mulch (SBM); 3. annual ryegrass living mulch (ARM); 4. white mustard living mulch (WMM); 5. spring oilseed rape living mulch (SRM); 6. winter wheat straw mulch (WSM).According to the results of investigations, in conditions of intensive soil tillage the highestchoking of weeds was observed by annual ryegrass (ARM) and white mustard (WMM) living mulches. In sugar beet row spaces, which were mulched with winter wheat straw mulch (WSM) there was a large number of weeds but their mass was not high. Conversely, in conservation soil tillage conditions the lowest weed infestation and dry mass of weeds were observed in straw mulch (WSM) up to 4 cm. White mustard living mulch (WMM) also influenced weed dry mass decrease though its number was high.

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75–83 T. Lille, K. Karp and R. Värnik
Profitability of different technologies of strawberry cultivation
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Profitability of different technologies of strawberry cultivation

T. Lille¹, K. Karp¹ and R. Värnik²

¹Institute of Horticulture, Estonian Agricultural University, Kreutzwaldi 64, 51014 Tartu, Estonia; e-mail: tiilille@eau.ee; kkarp@eau.ee
²Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Estonian Agricultural University, Kreutzwaldi 64, 51014 Tartu, Estonia; e-mail: vrando@eau.ee


The experiments with strawberries were carried out in 1999–2001. There were two cultivation types in the experiment: plastic mulch and straw mulch with burning after harvesting. The present research investigated the influence of mulches and cultivars on strawberry yield and profit. Straw mulch suits for ‘Jonsok’ and ‘Bounty’ because it increases yields. In places, where late-spring frost damages are usual, the growing of early cultivars with straw mulch would be practical. Plastic mulch suits better for cultivars susceptible to grey mould (‘Senga Sengana’). It is useful to grow different cultivars because their  yields are different according to years. The yield of the plant depends on the cultivar and on the cultivation technology. In year 2000 ‘Jonsok’ grown with straw was more productive and profitable than other cultivars. In 2001 ‘Senga Sengana’ grown with straw was the most productive and more profitable than ‘Jonsok’ and ‘Bounty’. The burning of leaves flights pests and weeds and farmers can save on chemicals. Using straw mulch is more perspective for getting higher yields and profit.

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