Features of the influence of copper nanoparticles and copper oxide on the formation of barley crop
¹Academy of law management of the federal penal service of Russia, Sennaya street 1, RU390036 Ryazan, Russia
²Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P.A. Kostychev, Kostychev street 1, RU390044 Ryazan, Russia
*Correspondence: chernikova_olga@inbox.ru
In addition to modern methods of agricultural technology, currently the achievements of selection and genetics are widely used, as well as modern nanotechnology and nanomaterials, to improve food production. One of the forms of biologically active nanomaterials is metal nanopowders and their derivatives. The application is carried out in minimal doses that can significantly reduce costs in agricultural production. Improving the yield and quality of crops by optimizing nutrition and plant protection using nanotechnology and nanomaterials will solve not only the problems of increasing the yield and quality of farmed products, but also environmental problems. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of copper and copper oxide nanoparticles on the formation of a barley crop. Under the conditions of a lysimetric experiment, the effect of presowing treatment of spring barley seeds by nanoparticles of copper and copper oxide on the growth and development of plants, yield, and their nutritional value was studied. The used nanoparticles have the following characteristics: Cu – 40–60 nm, phase composition: Cu – 100%; CuO – 40–60 nm, phase composition: CuO – 100%. A suspension of nanoparticles was obtained by dispersion by ultrasound in an aqueous solution. Nanopowders of copper and copper oxide in the solution contained 0.01 g per hectare seed rate. Barley seeds were soaked 30 minutes before sowing in double distilled water (control variant), as well as in a suspension of nanoparticles. Presowing treatment of barley seeds by Cu nanoparticles contributed to the intensification of growth processes, as well as an increase in green mass. The use of copper nanoparticles contributed to an increase in grain yield by 17.3% compared with the control, while there was no decrease in nutritional value: metabolic energy, feed units, digested protein. Based on the research results, it is preferable to use copper nanoparticles in comparison with copper oxide nanoparticles to obtain a higher barley yield.
Key words:
copper nanoparticles, copper oxide nanoparticles, linear growth, nutritional value, spring barley yield