Tag Archives: TOPSIS

370-400 I. Berzina, S. Raita, M. Kalnins, K. Spalvins and I. Kuzmika
In search of the best technological solutions for creating edible protein-rich mutants: a multi-criteria analysis approach
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In search of the best technological solutions for creating edible protein-rich mutants: a multi-criteria analysis approach

I. Berzina*, S. Raita, M. Kalnins, K. Spalvins and I. Kuzmika

Riga Technical University, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, Azenes street 12/1, LV 1048, Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: Indra.Berzina@rtu.lv


Single-cell protein (SCP) is a promising alternative for replacing plant and animal-derived dietary proteins. SCP contains essential nutrients and high levels of essential amino acids (AA). Given the versatility of microbial strains and waste substrates that can be used as feedstocks, many variations of production processes can be explored. Improving these microorganism strains by enhancing their properties and productivity is vital to increasing SCP competitiveness. One of the options to enhance microorganism strains would be by creating mutants with better AA profiles. By using mutagenesis and AA inhibitors it should be possible the create novel strains with improved AA-producing properties. The use of AA inhibitors to promote selective pressure on SCP-producing strains is a novel concept and is not a widely explored approach, therefore, the further development of this method should be explored. This paper used a multi-criteria decision analysis method to evaluate different technological factors vital for creating protein-rich mutants. These factors are microorganism strains, agro-industrial waste substrates used as process feedstocks, AA inhibitors, and mutagenesis methods. Microorganisms Candida utilis and Bacillus subtilis showed the highest potential for being used. Molasses was the ‘closest to the ideal’ substrate to be used as feedstock for SCP production. As the most promising mutagenesis method ethyl methane sulphonate was selected. Glufosinate ammonium and methionine sulfoximine for both bacteria and fungi were identified as the best inhibitors for SCP-rich mutant selection. Identified combinations of optimal solutions for microorganisms, substrates, inhibitors, and mutagenesis techniques should be further investigated and evaluated in laboratory settings. This could help to increase SCP’s competitiveness as a sustainable protein source.

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1069-1076 V. Kazulis, I. Muižniece and D. Blumberga
Conceptual ‘Cradle to Gate’ analysis of GHG emissions from wood, agricultural plant and synthetic fibres
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Conceptual ‘Cradle to Gate’ analysis of GHG emissions from wood, agricultural plant and synthetic fibres

V. Kazulis*, I. Muižniece and D. Blumberga

Riga Technical University, Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering, Institute of
Energy Systems and Environment, Azenes iela 12/1, LV-1048 Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: valters.kazulis@rtu.lv


Industrialization and fossil resource use has brought unprecedented anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. Use of synthetic fibre materials and unsustainable plant cultivation practices contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. The global market share of polyester fibre (synthetic fibre made from fossil resources) exceeded the share of cotton fibre (natural fibre) for the first time in 2000 and since then polyester has remained the most popular fibre. The demand for textiles keeps increasing. In Northern Europe locally made fibres from wood, hemp and flax could substitute fossil based fibres decreasing the global GHG emissions and helping local economies to prosper. Multi-criteria analysis method TOPSIS was used to carry out a conceptual research evaluating GHG emissions from wood, agricultural plant and synthetic fibre acquisition under two scenarios: fossil fuels are used as energy sources & industrial fertilizers are used; and renewable energy sources are used & industrial fertilizers are not used. Results show that wood and plant fibres have smaller GHG emissions than synthetic fibres in both scenarios. Factors affecting emission performance are analysed.

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1124-1132 I. Muizniece, V. Kazulis, L. Zihare, L. Lupkina, K. Ivanovs and D. Blumberga
Evaluation of reed biomass use for manufacturing products, taking into account environmental protection requirements
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Evaluation of reed biomass use for manufacturing products, taking into account environmental protection requirements

I. Muizniece*, V. Kazulis, L. Zihare, L. Lupkina, K. Ivanovs and D. Blumberga

Riga Technical University, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, Azenes iela 12/1, LV-1048 Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: indra.muizniece@rtu.lv


In many countries reed is considered as invasive or unnecessary plant, because it is spreading rapidly, causing decrease in biodiversity and creating unacceptable living conditions for many bird species in their natural habitats. Due to environmental considerations it is necessary to cut reed, to decrease their over exceeding growth. Reed burning or leaving for decomposition on fields, that has been practiced until now, creates additional carbon dioxide air pollution. Therefore, the question on what to do with cut reed has become vital from environmental protection perspective. In addition, this question applies to bioeconomy principles in compliance with their use in national economy, which makes it clear, that solutions for the use of reed biomass for production have to be found. But any production process can leave a negative effect on surrounding environment. Further to product production, economic motivation, possible market and availability of resources are primarily essential to see whether it is worth to produce the product at all. Therefore, reed biomass use possibilities in production have to be analysed as a complex question, taking into account environmental and climate, economic and technological aspects. In this study, solutions to perspective reed biomass use are evaluated, considering environmental protection requirements. For this task, multi-criteria analysis method TOPSIS is used, which includes 11 environmental and climate, economic and technological criteria. Evaluation includes both – already existing and new products that are divided in 3 sectors: power industry, construction and other products. Results of the research clearly state, which of reed biomass made products are perspective, taking into account not only traditional economic and technological aspects, but also environmental and climate aspects.

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155–161 T. Holota, M. Holienčinová, M. Kotus and J. Chrastina
The use of TOPSIS method in the manufacturing process of clutch plate of agricultural machinery
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The use of TOPSIS method in the manufacturing process of clutch plate of agricultural machinery

T. Holota¹*, M. Holienčinová², M. Kotus³ and J. Chrastina¹

¹Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Engineering, Department of building equipment and technology safety, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, SK 949 76 Nitra, Slovakia
²Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Marketing and Trade, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, SK 949 76 Nitra, Slovakia
³Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Quality and Engineering Technologies, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, SK 949 76 Nitra, Slovakia
*Correspondence: tomas.holota@gmail.com


Rating and determination of factors of importance affecting the pressing process of clutch plates is, in most organizations, an individual and subjective decision of individual employees.
The paper describes the process of relevant material selection for the organization. This process is designed with the aim to use the exact methods in order to replace subjective material selection by objective process. The most appropriate method appears the multi-criteria statistical analysis TOPSIS.
TOPSIS method has been widely applied in many areas with good results as the choice of marketing strategy, optimization of mechatronic systems, safety management, business competitions, management of crisis situations, assessment of trends, planning and many others. This is the first time when TOPSIS method was used in the selection of the most important causes affecting the pressing process of clutch plates.
The aim of this paper is to carry out the multi-criteria statistical analysis TOPSIS which evaluates and determines the order of importance of various factors affecting the pressing process of clutch plate which is a component part of agricultural machinery. On the basis of performed method we can prevent from subjective evaluation and make rational decisions based on the statistical analysis.

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