Increase in tractor drawbar pull using special wheels
¹Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Transport and Handling, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, Slovak Republic 2Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Machines and Production Systems, 949 76 Nitra, Slovak Republic; *Correspondence:
The paper is aimed at the possibility of increasing in maximal drawbar pull of tractor working on the soil. The increasing in drawbar pull occurred due to a special wheels mounted on drive axle. The special wheels were equipped with auto-extensible blades and designed in Slovak university of agriculture in Nitra. The main advantage of the special wheels is the automatic extension of steel blades to increase the drawbar pull during a wheel slip and automatic return to the base position to allow the transport of tractor by the route. The testing operation points at the increase in drawbar pull resulting in decrease of wheel slip. A drawbar pull of tractor equipped with standard tires and special wheels was compared on the different soil moisture condition. The higher increasing in drawbar pull was measured during the tractor operation on the soil with higher moisture in comparison the soil with lower moisture level. In case of soil moisture 14% the increase in drawbar pull of tractor equipped with special wheels reached the value 17.2% in compare with standard tires. Using the special wheels on the same field with higher level of soil moisture 22% the increase in drawbar pull reached the value 36.1% in compare with standard tires.
Key words:
drawbar pull, soil moisture, tractor wheels, wheel slip.