Tag Archives: adaptability

193-221 Y. Tsytsiura
Assessment of the relation between the adaptive potential of oilseed radish varieties (Raphanus sativus l. var. oleiformis Pers.) and chlorophyll fluorescence induction parameters
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Assessment of the relation between the adaptive potential of oilseed radish varieties (Raphanus sativus l. var. oleiformis Pers.) and chlorophyll fluorescence induction parameters

Y. Tsytsiura*

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry, Sonyachna street, 3, UA21008 Vinnytsia, Ukraine
*Correspondence: yaroslavtsytsyura@ukr.net, yaroslav301974@gmail.com


The possibility of optimization of the system of varietal identification, particularly of cruciferous crops in the breeding programs an urgent task that needs a scientific solution. A system comparison of a complex model for assessing genotypes for plasticity and stability with indicative basic and derivative indicators of the chlorophyll fluorescence induction curve (CFI) is proposed as a possible solution to this problem. 14 varieties of oilseed radish of different ecological and geographical origin were chosen as the object of research. Widely tested indicators of both methodological approaches were applied, taking into account the agrotechnological aspects of the analysis of oilseed radish plants for uniformity and stability.

The varietal specificity of the basic indicators of the induction of chlorophyll fluorescence of oilseed radish in response to changes in the stress level of the years of the research period
was established. The determined interval of correlation-regression dependencies at the level
of -0.382–(-0.658) (p < 0.05–0.01) between the indicators of genotypic stability (Gp), adaptability (bi), and selection value (Sv) and the basic indicators of the CFI curve such as minimal fluorescence (F0), fluorescence of the ‘plateau’ zone (Fрl), maximal fluorescence (Fm) and fluorescence stationary level (Fst). Direct correlations were determined at the level of 0.652–0.745 (p < 0.01–0.001) in the same comparison system for maximal fluorescence (Fm), fluorescence rise (dFpl), maximum variable fluorescence (Fv), photochemical efficiency (EP), leaf water potential (Lwp), plant viability index (RFd), efficiency of the initial reactions of photosynthesis (Kprp), coefficient of decline of the fluorescence (Kfd). The indicated pair correlation dependences were confirmed by the results of multiple regression analysis for the value of multiple regression coefficients (R) in the interval of 0.793–0.833 (p < 0.05–0.01).

On the basis of the obtained data, an integrated version of the assessment of varieties of cruciferous crops is proposed, which allows optimization of the system of varietal identification, particularly of cruciferous crops, in the breeding programs of their pre- and post-registration study, as well as the system of searching for donors and sources of relevant traits in the breeding hybridization programs at various levels. In terms of further research, it will be promising to apply this variant of the analysis to wild species of cruciferous crops in a single complex with their cultural forms to assess the regularities of the formation of adaptations under the directed trait selection process.

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540–551 M. Lozinskiy, L. Burdenyuk-Tarasevych, M. Grabovskyi, T. Lozinska, V. Sabadyn, I. Sidorova, T. Panchenko, Y. Fedoruk and Y. Kumanska
Evaluation of selected soft winter wheat lines for main ear grain weight
Abstract |
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Evaluation of selected soft winter wheat lines for main ear grain weight

M. Lozinskiy¹, L. Burdenyuk-Tarasevych¹, M. Grabovskyi²*, T. Lozinska³, V. Sabadyn¹, I. Sidorova¹, T. Panchenko², Y. Fedoruk² and Y. Kumanska¹

¹Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Department of Genetics, Breeding and Seed production, Sq. Soborna 8/1, UA09100, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine
²Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Department of Technologies in Plant Growing and Plant Protection, Sq. Soborna 8/1, UA09100, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine
³Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Department of Forestry, Botany and Plant Physiology, Sq. Soborna 8/1, UA09100, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine
*Correspondence: nikgr1977@gmail.com


Studies to assess the breeding samples of soft winter wheat by weight of grain from the main ear and determine the indicators of adaptability were conducted at the Bila Tserkva Research and Selection Station (BTRSS) in 2011–2013. The study revealed significant differences in breeding lines in the range of variability of grain mass from the main ear and identified small, medium and significant coefficients of variation, which indicates their excellent response to environmental conditions. It was due to genotype, year conditions and their interaction. Line 42 KS had significantly higher than the standard grain weight of the main ear (0.14 g) and the lowest value of the coefficient of variation (8.7%). According to the indicators of adaptability (GAC, σ²(GxE)gi, σ²SACi, σSACi, etc.) the lines 42 KS, 24 KS and 44 KS were distinguished. There was a significant correlation between the weight of grain from the ear and the weight of 1,000 grains (0.603–0.674) and the direct influence of the weight of grain from the main ear on the weight of grain from the plant and grain yield (0.805–0.942). Selected lines as a result of research (2015–2020) from these populations of soft winter wheat are competitively tested in the conditions of Bila Tserkva Research and Selection Station, forming high grain yields (7.39–8.12 t ha-1) and will be transferred to 2021 for the State variety test for inclusion in the Register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine.

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