Tag Archives: work

1123–1131 D. Maksimov, H. Kalkis, Y. Perevoschikov and Z. Roja
Use of qualimetry method in production labour estimation
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Use of qualimetry method in production labour estimation

D. Maksimov¹*, H. Kalkis², Y. Perevoschikov¹ and Z. Roja³

¹Institute of Economics and Management, Udmurt State University, 1, Universitetskaya Str, bld. 4, RU426034 Izhevsk, Russia
²Faculty of European Studies, Riga Stradins University, Dzirciema street 16, LV 1007 Riga, Latvia
³University of Latvia, Raina blvd. 19, LV-1586 Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: maksim.dan.gen@gmail.com


Every work process of production organization involves employees and employer interaction with each other by “agreement”. Such agreement is contracted based on the implementation of concrete types of work processes in particular workplaces. The general the total number of workplaces are continuous interaction areas of people to transform substance, energy and information. The solution of the assigned tasks requires the methodology for designing product quality, analyzing market consumer needs, forecasting potential prices and detecting effectiveness in order to present the strategic objectives in digital values. This study is part of a larger investigation which involves principles of economic metrology and qualimetry of work. The purpose of the research is to demonstrate use of qualimetry in the production organization, based on experience of several years in many industry organisations by focusing on engineering.

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1762-1770 D.G. Maksimov and H. Kalkis
Ergonomic modelling parameters and the influence of ergonomics on planning workplaces
Abstract |
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Ergonomic modelling parameters and the influence of ergonomics on planning workplaces

D.G. Maksimov¹* and H. Kalkis²

¹Udmurt State University, Institute of Economics and Management, Universitetskaya street 1, bld. 4, RU426034 Izhevsk, Russia
²Riga Stradins University, Faculty of European Studies, Dzirciema street 16, LV 1007 Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: maksim.dan.gen@gmail.com


Modern economic research divides all economics into structural levels: mega-economics, macroeconomics, meso-economics, micro-economics, and nano-economics. From the point of such traditional divisions, the research is topical in the primary economic structure of society – nano-economics – and thanks to this work operations can be subdivided into workplaces in the form of transformation processes. The aim of the research is to develop ergonomic modelling parameters and to discover the influence of ergonomics on the planning of workplaces based on a case study. The research involved a study of workplace ergonomic planning methods and principles. Solutions for a series of problems which are related to the improvement of workplace ergonomics may be discovered in the following ways: improving work organisation in every workplace by using work process-related micro-elemental methods and a determination of work expenditure, the levels of physical strenuousness involved in the work, the complexity of the work, and the social importance of the workplace. These parameters will allow the workplace quantity characteristics to be discovered, such as in terms of a generalised parameter which conforms to the requirements which describe a workplace, and in terms of operational management via the condition of workplaces and the salary systems being utilised. The research provides a case study in which ergonomic modelling parameters are developed and concrete workplace interventions are introduced.

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