Tag Archives: manufacturing

842–851 P. Hnízdil, R. Chotěborský and J. Kuře
Utilization of fused deposition method 3D printing for evaluation of discrete element method simulations
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Utilization of fused deposition method 3D printing for evaluation of discrete element method simulations

P. Hnízdil¹, R. Chotěborský¹* and J. Kuře²

¹Department of Material Science and Manufacturing Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Czech University of Life Science Prague, Kamycka 129, CZ165 00 Prague – Suchdol, Czech Republic
²Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Faculty of Engineering, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamycka 129, CZ165 21 Prague – Suchdol, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: choteborsky@tf.czu.cz


FDM 3D printing is used for designing prototype assessment in engineering production. It is usually used to verify the functionality of kinematics mechanisms. It can also be used for innovation in agricultural production, eg. the development of new mechanisms for agriculture tools. Such a mechanism as well as the entire components is printed using FDM and they are made of plastics. This whole can be experimentally verified in a laboratory trough. The article deals with the verification of the possibilities of using FDM technology for the design of agricultural tools. The material properties, namely stress-strain, of the plastics after printing are entered into the Ansys mechanical library, and the DEM results are also imported into Ansys mechanical. Material properties of plastics for FDM technology such as PLA, PETG show that its mechanical properties limited their using for validation.

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915–922 D. Maksimov, H. Kalkis, Y. Perevoschikov and Z. Roja
Qualimetry as productivity criteria in metal-cutting operations
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Qualimetry as productivity criteria in metal-cutting operations

D. Maksimov¹*, H. Kalkis², Y. Perevoschikov¹ and Z. Roja³

¹Institute of Economics and Management, Udmurt State University, 1, Universitetskaya street, bld. 4, RU426034 Izhevsk, Russia
²Faculty of European Studies, Riga Stradins University, 16 Dzirciema street, LV-1007 Riga, Latvia
³University of Latvia, 19 Raina blv., LV-1586 Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: maksim.dan.gen@gmail.com


The qualimetry method will allow an objective assessment of the performance of metal-cutting machines and the production capacity of machinery, as well as an objective assessment of their use in multi-product manufacturing, applying the qualimetry approach and qualimetry indicators, which are based on the concept of qualification of metal removing during machine operations. The aim of the study is to develop methods for measuring the performance of metal-cutting machines and open the way to create a regulatory framework based on quantitative indicators of the equipment quality. Qualimetry measured volume of metal removing allows setting the maximum possible productivity (quali-power) of metal cutting machinery, based on a small number of basic quality indicators contained in the machinery data sheets. It is essential that the quali-power of the machinery is an objective indicator of its quality, independent of the specific conditions of its operation at any given time. Hence the productivity criteria in metalworking cutting operations can be measured.

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1123–1131 D. Maksimov, H. Kalkis, Y. Perevoschikov and Z. Roja
Use of qualimetry method in production labour estimation
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Use of qualimetry method in production labour estimation

D. Maksimov¹*, H. Kalkis², Y. Perevoschikov¹ and Z. Roja³

¹Institute of Economics and Management, Udmurt State University, 1, Universitetskaya Str, bld. 4, RU426034 Izhevsk, Russia
²Faculty of European Studies, Riga Stradins University, Dzirciema street 16, LV 1007 Riga, Latvia
³University of Latvia, Raina blvd. 19, LV-1586 Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: maksim.dan.gen@gmail.com


Every work process of production organization involves employees and employer interaction with each other by “agreement”. Such agreement is contracted based on the implementation of concrete types of work processes in particular workplaces. The general the total number of workplaces are continuous interaction areas of people to transform substance, energy and information. The solution of the assigned tasks requires the methodology for designing product quality, analyzing market consumer needs, forecasting potential prices and detecting effectiveness in order to present the strategic objectives in digital values. This study is part of a larger investigation which involves principles of economic metrology and qualimetry of work. The purpose of the research is to demonstrate use of qualimetry in the production organization, based on experience of several years in many industry organisations by focusing on engineering.

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