Tag Archives: dust

2088-2096 S. Kumar, J. Cerny and P. Kic
Air-conditioning in the cabins of passenger
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Air-conditioning in the cabins of passenger

S. Kumar*, J. Cerny and P. Kic

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Technological Equipment of Buildings, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 21, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: surenderduhan88@gmail.com


The objective of this paper is to analyse the current state of the constructional design and operational conditions of air-conditioning device in passenger cars. The research was focused on the function of air-conditioning equipment of passenger cars Skoda and KIA in various modes of operation during the winter, spring and summer season at different levels of air conditioning (without air-conditioning, minimum, medium and maximum level). Air temperature, air humidity, globe temperature, CO2 concentration, dust concentration and noise inside the cabin were measured. Solar radiation plays a big role to rise up temperature inside the cabin. It resulted in the higher values of globe temperature than temperature of the air. The results of the measurements showed that CO2 values were significantly lower than 2,500 ppm at minimum air-conditioning, lower than 600 ppm at medium and lower than 500 ppm at maximum level of air-conditioning. For all vehicles, dust concentration was greater when it measured with the air conditioning switched off than with the air conditioning system turned on. The measurements confirmed that the total dust concentration was not more than 47 μg m-3, PM10 lower than 28 μg m-3 and PM1 lower than 27 μg m-3. The noise levels ranged from 49.1 to 68.7 dB(A). The air-conditioning had very positive impact on the inside comfort in car cabins from all points of view during all periods of the year.

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1014–1023 M. Hromasová, P. Kic, M. Müller and M. Linda
Evaluation of quality and efficiency of ventilation equipment by scanning electron microscopy
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Evaluation of quality and efficiency of ventilation equipment by scanning electron microscopy

M. Hromasová¹*, P. Kic², M. Müller³ and M. Linda¹

¹Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 21 Prague, Czech Republic
²Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Technological Equipment of Buildings, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 21 Prague, Czech Republic
³Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Material Science and Manufacturing Technology, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 21 Prague, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: hromasova@tf.czu.cz


The aim of this research is an evaluation of the quality and function of ventilation equipment in basement rooms. There was analysed the function of ventilation system in relation to the quality of outdoor and indoor environment. The concentration of air dust was measured by exact instrument DustTRAK II Model 8530 aerosol monitor inside and outside the building. Using the special impactors the PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10 size fractions were also measured. Particles separated from the ventilation equipment were examined with SEM (scanning electron microscopy) using a microscope TESCAN MIRA 3 GMX. Obtained results of measurements were evaluated by statistical instruments and concentrations of different size of dust particles were analysed. The size of particles outlet the ventilation equipment was ca. of 55% lower than the size of the particles inlet the ventilation equipment. The difference in tested sizes of the dust particles in the ventilation equipment and outlet the ventilation equipment, i.e. in the place of cleaned air inlet into the basement room, was statistically proved. The diversity of impurities caught by the ventilation equipment and impurities moving in the air in the tested room is obvious from the results of SEM analysis.

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1034–1042 A. Krofová, P. Kic and M. Müller
Influence of dust pollution in the laboratory on the strength of adhesive bond
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Influence of dust pollution in the laboratory on the strength of adhesive bond

A. Krofová¹*, P. Kic² and M. Müller¹

¹Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department Material Science and Manufacturing Technology, Kamýcká 129, CZ 165 21, Czech Republic
²Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Technological Equipment of Buildings, Kamýcká 129, CZ 165 21, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: kofovaa@tf.czu.cz


The main aim of this paper is to evaluate the influence of microclimate conditions on the bond strength in the research laboratory in the Faculty of Engineering at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. The main attention is paid especially to the contamination of the working environment with dust particles. In the frame of this research the concentration and size of dust particles in the air was measured by the aerosol monitor DustTRAK II Model 8530 with impactors for measurement of size fractions PM1, PM2.5, PM4 and PM10. The adhesive bonds were created according to the ISO standards from Duralumin material specimens with different type of twocomponent epoxy adhesives under different conditions of ventilation (0%, 50% and 100% of ventilation rate). The tensile strength of created specimens was measured by universal testing machine for tensile strength measurement – LABTest 5.50ST. The results of measurement were evaluated by statistical methods and summarized in the conclusions. There is no significant difference in the strength of the bond when applied various performance of ventilation.

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1342-1350 A. Krofová and P. Kic
Ventilation and microclimatic conditions in the laboratory of adhesive bonding
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Ventilation and microclimatic conditions in the laboratory of adhesive bonding

A. Krofová¹* and P. Kic²

¹Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department Material Science and Manufacturing Technology, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 21 Prague, Czech Republic
²Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Technological Equipment of Buildings, Kamýcká 129, CZ 165 21 Prague, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: kofovaa@tf.czu.cz


The aim of this paper is to present the results of the research focused on the ventilation and microclimatic conditions in the laboratory of adhesive bonding. This special large underground laboratory is used for the research and teaching purposes during the whole year. The experiments provided in the laboratory require the use of different chemicals, adhesives and glues for the preparation of specimens for the testing various methods of adhesive bonding of metals and wood. There are intensively released chemical pollutants into the indoor environment of the laboratory during those processes. If there are taking place in the lab at the same time the classes with students (maximum 26 persons) there are also produced in that space products of the metabolism. To ensure the hygienic conditions for researchers and students, the laboratory must be adequately ventilated, but it is also necessary to ensure the desired thermal state of the environment. The results of measurements of indoor microclimate in this laboratory during the adhesive bonding processes are also presented in this paper. The experience and new knowledge useful for the future research and practical designs are summarized in the conclusions of this paper.

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