Tag Archives: environmental impact

636-658 N.S. Khangar and M. Thangavel
Assessment of environmental impacts: a life cycle analysis of wheat and rice production in Madhya Pradesh
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Assessment of environmental impacts: a life cycle analysis of wheat and rice production in Madhya Pradesh

N.S. Khangar¹ and M. Thangavel²*

¹Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Research scholar, Department of Humanities & Social Science, Indore M.P., India
²Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities & Social Science, Indore M.P., India
*Correspondence: mohana@iiti.ac.in


The production of cereals is one of the primary activities that is responsible for most of the environmental degradation that is caused by agricultural activities. In this study, an attempt was made to determine the ecosystem & resource emissions along with emissions affecting human health, causing due to agricultural activities. LCA is used to conduct an analysis of 17 types of emissions caused by rice and wheat production per hectare in Madhya Pradesh. Based on LCIA and Monte Carlo simulation, the study provides valuable insights into the regional environmental emissions associated with direct seeded rice (DSR), irrigated wheat (IW) and rainfed wheat (RW). Study shows that except for Marine eutrophication (MEUT) and Agricultural land use (ALU), rice production has relatively higher impact than wheat production. Irrigated wheat production found with higher potential of causing non-cancerous diseases caused by air pollution, whereas rice production has the potential to contribute to cancer disease. The production of rice and wheat in Madhya Pradesh state cumulatively contributes 0.008 Gt CO2 eq. (0.10% of global total) to the global agrifood system GHG emission within farmgate. Since majority of the emissions are caused by soil & crop nutrients and fuel consumption, here it became important to adopt sustainable agricultural practices & biofuel to lessen the environmental impact of wheat & rice production and make sustainable agro-food system of Madhya Pradesh. Based on study results emission mitigation policies have been suggested taking the existing policies into consideration.

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357-375 R. Sigalingging, J. Simanihuruk, N.S. Vinolina, L.A. Harahap and C. Sigalingging
Life cycle assessment of shallot farming in Food Estate Hutajulu, North Sumatra, Indonesia
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Life cycle assessment of shallot farming in Food Estate Hutajulu, North Sumatra, Indonesia

R. Sigalingging¹²*, J. Simanihuruk¹, N.S. Vinolina³, L.A. Harahap¹ and C. Sigalingging⁴

¹Universitas Sumatera Utara, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, 20155, Indonesia
²Universitas Sumatera Utara, Faculty of Agriculture, Laboratory of Energy and Electrification, Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, 20155, Indonesia
³Universitas Sumatera Utara, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agrotechnology, Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, 20155, Indonesia
⁴Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Utara, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Food Science and Technology, Jl. H. A. Manaf Lubis No. 2 Helvetia, Medan, Indonesia
*Correspondence: riswanti@usu.ac.id


Food Estate is a government program as a solution to meeting food demand. However, in order to meet food needs, environmental impacts must be considered. The study objective was to investigate the impacts of shallot production in Food Estate Hutajulu, Indonesia. The study was conducted with the first stage determining the functional unit, namely an area of 0.2 hectares with a gate-to-gate scope. The second is the inventory data analysis by grouping the categories of nursery, tillage, maintenance, harvesting, and transportation. The third is life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) according to the ISO 14044 standard. Every data obtained from each process was processed using the software OpenLCA 1.11.0; the following is the workflow and use of the software. Processes were made based on the five categories of data (soil processing, planting, maintenance, harvesting and transportation), which had been determined to be connected to flow. The product system was adjusted according to the data in each process and then calculated, and the results of calculation data and graph models appear from each processed data category. Fourth is the interpretation that considers the highest environmental impact, namely acidification in the transportation process of 1.8974 kg SO2 eq, global warming potential in the transportation process of 415.3188 kg CO2 eq, eutrophication in the transportation process of 0.4364 kg PO4 eq, and human toxicity in the maintenance process of 1,409.07377 kg 1,4-DB eq. To minimize the impact on subsequent production, reducing diesel fuel, chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers are recommended.

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1278–1287 J.R.M.R. Gonçalves, G.A.S. Ferraz,, D.B. Marin, E.F. Reynaldo, P.F.P. Ferraz, D. Sarri and M. Vieri
Comparative environmental analysis of soil sampling methods in precision agriculture for lime application in Paraná State, Brazil
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Comparative environmental analysis of soil sampling methods in precision agriculture for lime application in Paraná State, Brazil

J.R.M.R. Gonçalves¹, G.A.S. Ferraz²,*, D.B. Marin², E.F. Reynaldo³, P.F.P. Ferraz², D. Sarri⁴ and M. Vieri⁴

¹IBMR Laureate International - IBMR, Departamento de Engenharia e Arquitetura - Avenida das Américas 2603, BR22631-002 Barra da Tijuca-RJ, Brazil
²Federal University of Lavras, Department of Agricultural Engineering, University, Campus, BR37.200-000 Lavras-MG, Brazil
³Field Equipment Manager - Syngenta - Rua Providence 236, BR38407-744 Uberlândia-MG, Brazil
⁴University of Florence, Department of Agricultural, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI), Biosystem Engineering Division, Piazzale delle Cascine 15, IT50144 Florence, Italy
*Correspondence: gabriel.ferraz@ufla.br


Precision agriculture (PA) provides techniques that favour the localized application of inputs allowing their rational use. This makes the PA a potential indicator of reduced operational costs, input volume, and environmental impacts. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the environmental effects of three different sampling methods used in PA for the lime application. The first sampling method evaluated was the grid sampling (GS). It was performed at a density of one sample per hectare in a 100×100 m georeferenced grid. The second method was the directed sampling, that was performed after defining the management zones by soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) using a soil electrical conductivity sensor. The lest sampling method was the Altitude-based management zone (AMZ) sampling that was developed based on altitude maps of the field. These sampling methods were tested in three different areas in the south of Brazil. This study evaluated the spatial variability of the lime volume in the soil and compared quantitatively and spatially the recommended application volumes achieved by each sampling method. Results highlighted that the sensor-directed soil sampling method was the alternative that would generate the lowest environmental impact.

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