Tag Archives: equipment

915–922 D. Maksimov, H. Kalkis, Y. Perevoschikov and Z. Roja
Qualimetry as productivity criteria in metal-cutting operations
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Qualimetry as productivity criteria in metal-cutting operations

D. Maksimov¹*, H. Kalkis², Y. Perevoschikov¹ and Z. Roja³

¹Institute of Economics and Management, Udmurt State University, 1, Universitetskaya street, bld. 4, RU426034 Izhevsk, Russia
²Faculty of European Studies, Riga Stradins University, 16 Dzirciema street, LV-1007 Riga, Latvia
³University of Latvia, 19 Raina blv., LV-1586 Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: maksim.dan.gen@gmail.com


The qualimetry method will allow an objective assessment of the performance of metal-cutting machines and the production capacity of machinery, as well as an objective assessment of their use in multi-product manufacturing, applying the qualimetry approach and qualimetry indicators, which are based on the concept of qualification of metal removing during machine operations. The aim of the study is to develop methods for measuring the performance of metal-cutting machines and open the way to create a regulatory framework based on quantitative indicators of the equipment quality. Qualimetry measured volume of metal removing allows setting the maximum possible productivity (quali-power) of metal cutting machinery, based on a small number of basic quality indicators contained in the machinery data sheets. It is essential that the quali-power of the machinery is an objective indicator of its quality, independent of the specific conditions of its operation at any given time. Hence the productivity criteria in metalworking cutting operations can be measured.

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1694-1701 O. Sada, A. Leola and P. Kic
Choosing and evaluation of milking parlours for dairy farms in Estonia
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Choosing and evaluation of milking parlours for dairy farms in Estonia

O. Sada¹*, A. Leola¹ and P. Kic²

¹Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Tecnology, Department of Husbandry Engineering and Ergonomics, Fr.R.Kreutzwaldi 56, EE51014 Tartu, Estonia
²Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Technological Equipment of Buildings, Kamycka 129, CZ16521 Prague 6, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: oliver.sada@emu.ee


The aim of this paper is to present the main criteria, which could be used for the choosing, optimization and evaluation of a milking parlour in two large capacity Estonian dairy farms. The choosing and evaluation of milking parlours parameters is based on the available information and results of previous research in dairy farms in the Estonia, using the mathematical model created in the Czech Republic. Time for milking and final specific direct costs are main parameters which enable evaluation and choosing of suitable milking parlour for the dairy farm. Calculation of the first farm with a capacity of 300 cows showed that in the case of rotary milking parlour with 32 milking stalls total specific direct costs per milking per cow and year would be by 25% higher than in the case of Side by Side milking parlour 2 x 12, but the time for milking would be reduced by about 25%. The second farm with capacity of 1,850 cows is equipped with a rotary milking parlour with 70 milking stalls. There are three milkers. Six milkers would bring shortening of one milking from 6.3 h to 3.3 h while preserving approximately the same total specific direct costs per milking per cow and per year. This milking parlour could be used also for the planned increase in capacity at farm to 3,300 cows. Time of one milking would be 5.6 hours, but total specific direct costs per milking per cow and per year would be reduced by 18%.

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487-494 V. Viljasoo,, J. Zadin, H. Jüris and T. Pomerants
Combined air conditioning for heating rooms and improving of indoor climate
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Combined air conditioning for heating rooms and improving of indoor climate

V. Viljasoo¹,*, J. Zadin¹, H. Jüris² and T. Pomerants¹

¹Institute of Technology, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Krutzwaldi 56,EE51014 Tartu, Estonia; *Correspondence: viljo.viljasoo@emu.ee
²Company AIRMAKER GTR, Riia 181A, EE51014 Tartu, Estonia


Geothermal equipment consists of intake air pipes, vacuum wards and undergroundconnecting pipes, placed near to a villa. The heat exchange ventilation equipment MENERGA191191 used in ventilation systems makes air inside the device circulate. This patentedequipment differs from the analogues of Germany, Japan, United States, etc. by the coolingexchange device. This device enables remarkable advantages in mounting and construction bydecreasing the length, installation depth and number of air pipes, simplifying and reducing themaintenance and increasing the equipment durability. The geothermal equipment is meant forcreating an environment with a constant temperature of 4 ºC and adjustable relative humidity inwarehouses and basements. It is for improving an indoor climate in villas’ basements,preheating, and air conditioning based on air heating as well. This equipment is indispensablewhen preheating greenhouses and cooling air in the hot season. The analysis of air climateparameters (temperature ϑk, relative humidity Ws, dew point ϑp, absolute humidity Wa,velocity v, oxygen content O2, carbon dioxide content CO2, positive light air ions n+, negativelight air ions n–) passing through the geothermal equipment is presented in the article. Heattechnical data (air specific heat capacity, characteristics of heat and cold exchange processes)are presented. This article summarises the research results of indoor climate qualities andpresents data about energetic-economical efficiency of the geothermal equipment (air specificheat and gross capacities, return air flow specific heat and gross capacities, the economic effectof pre-heating the villa and the post-heating expenses were analysed).

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